• They say he’s coming though I don’t know who
    But lately I have been seeing someone new
    He visits me from time to time

    I seem to remember him from an old nursery rhyme
    I have told no one of him not a soul
    For he is the Grim Reaper so I am told

    I am not weary; I am not shy, of the very scary guy
    He’s rather nice I must say
    To sit and talk with me on cold gray days

    It’s the days no one visits are becoming more and more
    Winter is droning on it seems longer than before
    I am getting weaker each and every day

    His visits grow more frequent with each passing day
    I know why he comes and he knows he must wait
    For my story must be told before its too late

    The Grim Reapers not coming he’s already here
    Waiting till you reappear
    So I may tell you the pain you have caused

    I am waiting for you to reappear so that I may disappear.