• So many years
    has it been
    since I have seen your face
    spectral lights in a house of dark
    dancing in a timeless waltz
    As in life
    halls of gold
    jovial voices
    a tender touch
    a loving kiss
    all of these things I would soon miss
    as your ghost slipped from my side
    into the shadows to hide
    Are you waiting for me?
    Every night,I feel I am not alone
    the sensation of warm arms surround me as I sleep
    calling my ghost
    hand in hand again
    I am with you
    my earthen shell behind

    My desire,my passion..is built on you. A heart once black and bricked high..frozen like the ice
    until you
    You held and caressed my very soul
    truly loving it
    slowly breaking down the wall,brick by brick
    melting the icy core
    ...scraping away the black
    to reveal red
    Tears flood my eyes,for the first time in what feels like forever
    can I leave my heart with you