• A dream of armageddon
    The illusion of time, sweeping across this wasteland
    Like Death's own shadow
    A constant reminder
    Of what's to come

    Never Sleeping,
    Never stopping,
    Never resting,
    Never ending.
    Death catches all, shows mercy to none.

    Once your in this game of life
    There's only one way out.
    Everyone loses eventually,
    There is no escaping the inevitable.

    Darkness creeping upon you slowly
    We never realize
    Until its too late.
    Asking your God to save you,
    Or deciding you dont believe, even now,
    We all go the same way.

    White or black,
    Cherokee or mexican,
    Rich or poor,
    Famous or unknown.
    Death doesn't discriminate.

    And thus begins the darker side of life.