• Fly Fly Butterfly
    Your mother is not here tonight
    Your father does not know that you are alive
    People don’t know that you’re alright
    And it’s time to make something of your tortured life

    Rise above and forever
    Hold your pride
    Hold your pleasure
    Express your love
    And never surrender

    Take your head and hold it up high
    Raise your hands toward the sky
    Spin in circles and yell in pride
    That no matter what happens
    You are alright

    Fly Fly butterfly
    Your innocence is with you tonight
    Your love is the only thing you have in sight
    And people look at you in pity and hold sympathy tight
    But you don’t need it ‘cause you are alright

    Rise above and forever
    Hold your pride
    Hold your pleasure
    Express your love and never surrender

    Take your foot and stomp it on the ground
    Take your hands and throw them around
    Spin around in circles and let your anger out
    But no matter what happens
    You shall never give up

    Fly Fly butterfly
    Take all you have with you tonight
    Turn it into something that you hold tight
    That no matter what happens
    You will step into the light
    And things then will soon go right
    But once and when they turn sour
    Take your right and your power
    Fly away and save yourself all the same

    Fly Fly Fly Away
    Butterflies are never in pain