• Open your eyes.
    Let your heart be.
    Sing to the skies.
    Cry to the seas.
    You'll be whatever you will be.
    Laugh with friends.
    Cry when there is woe.
    Smile every chance you can.
    Hug everyone close.
    Keep your mind open.
    And when you say 'I will always be there,' mean it.
    Tell the truth when everything needs to be said.
    Confess every little sorrow,
    or deed that has been made.
    Never let one person bring you down.
    Stay that shining star you always are.
    And let every happy thing stay in your memories.
    Tell me you care.
    Or that you believe me when I say 'I'll be there.'
    Our friendship is important.
    Its something that keeps us together when all is falling apart.
    Tell me that I'll be there in your heart when there is nothing left.
    Remember the last hug you gave,
    or got.
    But I'll be sorry if I forgot...
    The little thing in life.
    But I'll always be there.
    With all my heart, I love you all the most.