• If I left, would you notice?

    If I crawled under my covers and disappeared, would you care?
    If you called out for me and I did not answer, would you worry?
    If we played hide-and-seek and I hid too well, would you give up?
    If we were racing down the road and I tripped, would you look back?

    Would you miss my torn-up green Converse?
    My eco-friendly Levi jeans?
    My zip-up hoodies and 90’s reference t-shirts?
    What about my crooked smile and thick black glasses, or my color-changing eyes?
    Would you miss the feel of my golden yellow hair flowing through your fingers?

    Would you mind if you never heard my silent laugh again?
    Would you be bothered by the lack of presence in seat five, row five?
    When you saw bunnies, would you cry for me?
    When you forgot, would you remember me and shake your head?
    Would the smell of lilacs bring me back into your life?
    When you looked at the clock and it said 5:53, would you think of me?

    Would you laugh, would you cry, would you care… if I left?
