• Stranger than fiction is the person committed to writing
    In a cubicle pondering and typing
    Words flowing and pressed onto pages
    Submitting her work for meager wages

    Her writing like a tapestry tells a fabricated story
    Woven from myths fully enveloped in tales of glory
    Beautiful calligraphy scripted onto paper
    All done under a candle light that flickers and tapers

    Lonesome are the nights that beckon solidarity
    Checking spelling and grammar done for clarity
    Work piles up and quickly mounts
    The cycle repeats she recounts

    Stranger than fiction is the person committed to writing
    Chained to a labor thats tiresome and taxing
    Her work and deadlines all carefully outlined
    Her life enclosed in a book well defined

    The writer herself is a fictional character
    Caught between the pages of a late night turner
    The work she's rendered so full of texture
    She explores and wanders into a venture

    She delves into the world she's created
    Avidly reading with joy clearly elated
    What's confined in her mind is so easily released
    A manic writer that can't be ceased

    Stranger than fiction is the person committed to writing
    Defying reality and to her work clinging
    Never aware of the world outside her corridors
    Always inside, Always indoors