• Sitting by the fire on a cold winter night,
    Shadows play and dance with the light.
    Coexistence between the two never seems right.
    No segregation between them though they always fight.

    No peace for the two, desstined to battle for control.
    The war between the two is millenias old.
    Never shall we see either side fold.
    Both hold strong and stand courageous and bold.

    Age old war heroes get lost in time and history.
    Few stories remain of their triumphs and victory.
    Now in the afterlife, they surely weep in misery.
    For their tales shall now be shrouded in mystery.

    In this age we worship those with fame, power, and money.
    None deserve it and I find it funny,
    So many lives lost in war to the running and gunning.
    Few are remembered unless they're a celebrity.

    This world is becoming more corrupt every day.
    We push our friends and family away.
    We don't care who we hurt or watch what we say.
    Repent is way overdue and it's time to pay...