• The sky turns from light to dark with impending doom, it marks.
    People watch in speculation and awe as they look to the heavens.
    Thunder booms in the distance as people take a frightened stance.
    The human's creations topple from the Earth's land of seven.

    The land shakes with agony as the clouds turn ebony.
    The sea rages with a fury unmatched by any force.
    The wind glides to the places, slicing everything to form new spaces.
    And people could not escape as four beings stand tall with their own horse.

    The plants wither and the air makes people shiver.
    The population suddenly worries as a plague dominates the land.
    Volcanoes erupt a fiery sea and barren lands came to be.
    As humans look, some fall dead on the shaking sand.

    Soon the waves make their presence as they engulf anything with senses.
    The earth in which life lived on has vanished into the blue yonder.
    The aquatic life also panics on the events one could describe as Satanic.
    And the fate of all is nowhere to be found as all can do is wonder.

    At last, the sky tears open on what could be a good omen.
    People rejoice on the sight, thinking it's an improvement.
    But, to their dismay, beams of light strike the land, blowing all hope away.
    The turmoil is over, but, nothing on the land survived the Last Judgment.