• Can I still call you friend
    After what we did to each other?

    Can I end that anger that still dwells
    Inside of me at the sound of his name instead of mine?

    Can I forgive you for breaking my heart
    For false-romancing me out of pity?

    Can I expect you won't do this to me
    Again and leave me in repeated ruin?

    Can you understand how hard I tried
    Just to make you want me?

    Can you realize how much pain I went through
    Both yours and mine over those years?

    Can you think about how much damage you inflicted
    When I shed tears alone at home?

    Can you forgive me for glaring at you on the dancefloor
    While you tried to stay away in a group?

    I can try to forgive you and you have forigiven me
    But I am not at peace yet.

    Not when you speak his name in front your me,
    Not when you talk of his lips and perfect personality.

    Not when I put up with your drama and shame
    and put aside my own for you.

    I loved you with every part of my being since the moment we met,
    And you lied about your reciprocation; you lied to me.

    Can I ever truly call you best freind again?
    Can I be sure that there won't be fake passion again?

    Can I choose to help you win anothers heart while
    Mine pines for you in silent darkness?

    I will stay by your side out of duty and unrequited love
    To protect and guide you through shadows he has failed to.

    I can stay, I will stay, I want to stay
    Even if the pain remains

    I can stay.