• Endless thoughts about you

    My endless effort to see you
    Strikes a cord in my endless mind
    As I lie motionless in the depth of my dreams
    And soundless in my self-made black hole

    Abused slowly
    Tortured, taunted
    Endless thoughts witness my sorrow and need

    Need to see your sweet smile across your baby face
    Need to hear you voice whisper my name
    Need to feel your hand in mine
    Need to taste your salty lips against my own
    Need to smell the scent of outside fresh upon your clothes

    Sorrow your not here
    Sorrow I can not look into your brown eyes
    Nor hear your laugh

    My heart begins to falter
    As your voice seems to fade
    Why are you not here?
    Is it all just a dream?
    My sweet, poor imagination?

    My heart burst into flames
    You and I no longer seem real
    But suddenly I feel a beat
    Deep within my chest

    My dark eyes once glues shut together
    Fly open as the blackness filters away
    Your hand in mine
    Your breath on my neck
    Your lips securely where they belong
    …on me.

    It all seems perfect
    How It was all supposed to be from the beginning
    Our hearts no longer separate
    Beating as one
    I see it all
    Feel it all
    Our destinies intertwined
    Tied with a double knot
    Perfection is achievable
    Because now I have it
    Love isn’t just a four letter word
    Baby, its fate