• Banish`ed~

    I lied. Told him things that brought him closer to me.
    Difficult thing, this thing were in.
    “so close but so far away” is the expression.
    An empty hole that is quickly filled with hopes and dreams, because I have lied.
    What is it that I want form him? What is it that makes me so…elated? So…soothed by his presence?
    I wait for his reply. Wait. Wait and wait again. Finally!
    Even if its just a smile or a word, I still rejoice inside, but only because he does not know that
    I have lied.
    I fell, still, that I owe him something. Something that I cant give him without being unfaithful.
    For I know he would take what I give. Not only that but me just as I am is a sin.
    How much I wish for me to split in two.
    But think of the consequences!?
    Karma is beautiful, but not the best company to have for this thing Im in.
    Closing my eyes to gather myself doesn’t help. Just makes it worse for him to crowd my thoughts.
    What a sin this is! Shame on me. Shame on him.
    But just this once how I wish that sin was forgotten and my lord was not mine. Just for a moment.
    No more, no less.
    I love my lord with all my soul I do. But why must I love two?
    For this once, I wish him to be my lord so I could be condoned for my sins. What reckless things
    I would say. What I’d do…
    Forgive me my lord, for I know not of what I say. Supposing that was the truth, would I have done
    what I am doing now?
    Blame it on fate I gander, for he is the one who made this whole thin up. I wish to be banish`ed
    from him. Banish`ed from fate, and brought to destiny instead. Fate himself brings lies, urges,
    and content that no eyes should pry upon by mine. So instead give me destiny, so at least I have a chance to dine.