• Here I am at the crossroads again.
    Many paths lie before me, but only one can I take.
    Which path will i choose? what decision will i make?
    My future stands divided.
    Where do they lead? Which way is right?
    Some lead to darkness, others to light.
    I do not want to have to choose.
    Trying to walk all puts me under so much strain.
    I know that i cannot continue, bearing that pain.
    Who was it that made the paths?
    These trails were not always here.
    They were made by those, who strode ahead without fear.
    Dare I make my own trail?
    Will I step away from the paths ahead?
    Dare I discard the rewards to which they led?
    I have made my descision.
    I shall blaze my own path in life,
    and endure the fear, anger and strife.