• If your happy then smile.
    If your sad then cry.
    If your mad then yell in to the sky.
    If you need a friend i am standing by.
    But if you try to run away your problems will just follow.
    But if you stay your problems will flow away.
    So keep your head held high and looks at the sky.
    Keep looking at the sky for the sun one day will shine.
    Down upon your pretty smiling face.
    and have hope and faith in yourself forever and
    The moon and everything around you will seem alittle brighter.
    take every step with caution.
    watch every move you make.
    For one day we will look bak.
    We will smile and think.
    We made the right choices.
    And thats why we are here
    Hope and faith and the future will suprise us!!!!