• The blood soaked carpet
    Stained with tears and pain
    Tells a story like no other
    One that’s hard to see
    To one it could be murder
    To another, A simple accident
    To some it could be pleasure
    To others, a sign of torment
    It could bring back a memory
    Or create a tiny rumor
    Though none will know the truth
    Of the darkened humor
    A girl hurt by her mother
    Another by a man
    Heart break on heart break
    Take each other by the hand
    A kiss between the cracks
    Love to heal the wounds
    A secret sworn to keep
    For fear of lonely tombs
    One whispers to the other
    Promises of forever
    Smiles on their lips
    Only when together
    Though sadness will occur
    And try to tear apart
    The tiny bit of hope
    Still within their hearts
    Seeing but one ending
    The girls did die together
    Life had been too hard
    And they did Fall forever
    Cutting into the other’s life
    Bleeding the other’s soul
    So they knew that when they died
    They could still be whole
    Found in the other’s blood
    Hand in hand they lie
    They could not live without the other
    Neither could they die.