I've been caught,
And now I'm tied up in a knot!
Oh how much I've fought,
Like there's no end!
So now I must stop this pretend,
I'm in pain,
Oh so much,
It seems like there's nothing so bad of the such!
Was that rain,
As I am tied up in a forest,
Like I am a terrorist
Alone and dying,
Taken and crying,
My marriage is dying with me,
All because I'm having a baby one day soon
All this damage just because I'm pregnant probably,
As I look up at the moon,
Trapped within my own inner room,
Just cause of my womb,
tied up crying,
Because of a baby,
By my lover,
Oh Gosh, why did I blow my cover?
Haunted by my own past,
Oh what spell did a witch cast,
By me,
To be,
Cursed to Abortion, Horrible Marriage, And death,
I must say something out loud,
Before my last breath,
As I look up at the dimming cloud,
I wonder if it is my sight, or the world,
As I curled,
Into a ball.......
For the last time,
For I cringed the last time of movement,
for my death to come,
And sad as it may be I am drunk with rum,
*Ruffle, Ruffle*
What was that,
Was it the sound of a cat?
No it's a with its feathers all ruffley,
Oh what trouble,
I am in if it is a hawk,
Too bad I can't run, or even walk.
Snip, snap, the ropes did do,
For a little crow did undo,
I'm free once again, too bad,
Oh how sad,
As I've already hinted at and almost said,
I'm already dead.
The End.
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