• Sky blue memories chase away the stormy clouds of grey
    Regrets and the harsh lightning that seems to dance and play
    In the forest of my mind, each leaf an unfurled thought,
    Thrust into the wind to flutter and fly and see where it is caught.
    Sky blue memories bring the sunshine of laughter beaming down on me
    From the simple things that are like an old oak tree,
    Soaring into the air with wisdom and complex simplicity
    It makes a statement about the grandeur of the world, smooth and gritty.
    Sky blue memories lift the clouds of time
    Away from smiles, giving them life and reason and rhyme
    As they skid across the breeze and in the branches intertwine
    With the tiny little chuckle-laughs that smell of sea and brine.
    Sky blue memories keep the days alive and well
    Even as the tides of sorrow may billow and swell
    Because sky blue memories know all that only time will tell,
    Sky blue memories as crisp and clear as the sunbeam bell.