• The presence of you lies beside me
    makes me feel alive again
    but life beckons me to reality
    ...I Said NO!
    I don't want it.
    can't take it anymore.
    viewing the world through this insanity
    wanting to be alive
    wanting to breathe,
    breathe and survive
    through the lies.
    Nothing will ever be again
    Not like they say it will
    Never again!
    Not when you disapearred before my eyes.
    Not when you left me with blood sprayed upon me
    my stained hands quivering
    my body trembling
    my soul weeping
    Not when you vanished into ash and air.
    I'll never survive through the lies of hope and peace.
    I'd rather close my eyes
    vanish in the darkness
    and let the insanity take over once again.