• I sit alone in the shadows of trees
    Shade will not comfort me
    Where has the world gone for I
    Need to clear this cloudy sky

    A bird flies through the barren fields
    A crow, I guess, is cawing near.
    Bruises cover my frail limbs
    My hands have fallen and my eyes are dim.

    My tears are empty, no emotion within them.
    I cry and cry and see no end.
    My eyes are weak with the sadness I’m bearing.
    How much longer can I withstand this tearing?

    I’m broken and hollow. I can’t seem to find
    My way back home.
    Where can I leave this behind?
    The crow has been my only companion here
    Cawing and clawing at my waking fear.

    When will my time come to leave these barren fields?
    To leave the crow that’s cawing so near.
    The sound is pounding and I feel my blood rush.
    Then the wind stops blowing and all sounds hush.