• The burning flame beneath my feet,
    The hard oak tree and my wrists meet.
    The rope around me is burning, falling,
    I'm tied here desperately calling.
    I was crying for them to let me go,
    Now I try not to let my tears show.
    This is the price I have to pay,
    Because I follow my own way.
    People fear what they don't know,
    Their anger and disappointment always show.
    They laugh at my pain and mock my fear,
    The end for me is drawing near.
    With all my will and all my might,
    One last spell I say tonight.
    On this night and on this hour,
    I call upon the ancient power.
    In my next and every life,
    Teach me to avoid this strife.
    Show me what is wrong and right,
    Show me what is dark and light.
    This last wish I ask of thee,
    As I will, so mote it be.