• As I was coming home from work today,
    I came across a woman who was old and gray
    and in her arms what did I see?
    A letter addressed From Me To Me
    Curious, I asked what the letter was about
    The woman she sighed and her faced turned into a pout
    "It's to a young woman I once knew.
    A woman who was beautiful and whose love was true.
    She had a lot to live for but threw it away
    and that is something she regrets to this day"
    And with a sigh the woman finished her piece
    she turned away and looked as if her worries would cease
    when that letter she wrote was mailed away
    And on my mind this scene will stay
    For I could not help but wonder if I'd be the same
    Was my life really as great as I would like to claim
    or was it something a little less?
    If I wrote a letter to me what would I confess?
    Would I write the words I was afraid to say?
    The words I've been wanting to say since that day?
    The day you told me you were leaving for good
    and it was in our best interest that you should
    Would I break down and say the words that have long stood true?
    Would I finally admit that I love you?
    Or will I wallow and wait
    to accept my fate
    Because the truth was too hard to bear?
    The truth that when I needed you you weren't there?
    The times when I needed you the most
    The times when all I wanted was to hold you close?
    I know things have changed and so have you
    But it's still hard to forgive after what I've been through
    I loved you but you let me down
    And in my sorrow I felt I would drown
    You said you were sorry, you were filled with regret
    But no matter what I could not forget
    All those times you left me standing by
    Those times I wished I could just die
    But, if I wrote a letter to myself, what would I write?
    That I had a future so happy and bright?
    That I threw it away and now it's too late
    or that I changed things around and set them straight?
    I guess only time will tell, but one thing I do know
    Is that no matter how far in life I will go
    I will remember that woman, old and gray
    And remember the words she said that day
    The very words that I needed to hear
    To bring you back home where I'll hold you dear
    Forever and ever in my arms once again
    And together, a letter to me we'll send