• All I wanted was to hear you say..
    'it's going to be alright'
    A simple phrase...wouldve been enough..
    And yet here I am
    Sitting alone..
    Thinking of how and what
    Couldve been I had just
    Tried again..

    But I letted my selfishness get in the way..
    And instead of thinking of us..
    I only thought of myself..

    If I only got one more chance...
    I'd fix this...we wouldn't need
    Anything else..but each other..

    That wouldn't mean that our problems
    would just
    Vanish in the wind...
    some of then will still be there...
    And some new ones might come...but as u said...we'd be stronger...and
    our Love would be also...

    Constant figthing...that's all I did..nothing else
    Now I get that it was wrong...
    All that pressure I putted in you...
    To change things..
    I only wanted to help our relatioship..
    I thought that...
    If I told u repeatedly to change..
    It would be better...
    But still u remained by my side...
    Taking all this crap...
    I tried to change what was already perfect
    For that I am sorry...

    You knou how when were mad..
    We say things..
    Things we don't mean..
    That don't matter...
    I'm sorry...I now
    Realize...I'm nothing..
    I'm empty wihout you...

    Some of the people around me said...
    'You'll b ok..hang I'n there...''ur better of withou this'
    I replied..'it ok..don worry about it'
    But if they really knew how...
    How...I felt...I was eating up myself on the inside...
    While showing a happy face on the outside...

    As I write this ...I'm sitting..
    Alone...thinking of what can be..
    Was...or couldve been...

    I knou I said a thousand times...
    ' we can do it...cause I love you...'
    Somehow..I lost my way...into
    You're heart...
    And I get it now...

    I remember the first poem I ever made for you..
    I was so in love... And motivated...
    Who wouldve Thought that...today we were supposed to
    Have our year aniversary...and were...
    By somehign so unnesesarry...
    So simple...and yet ...
    So complicated...

    Trying to help us...I ruiened it..
    I'm sorry...I am...
    I just wannted to help our relationship grow..
    I ended up killing it...
    What matters now...I'm empty...

    I miss you....
    I miss you so much...
    I can't sleep....
    I'm still thinking...of you..
    But I don't knou how to make it better...
    I already blew theast chance u gave me...
    I'm so stupid...I knou...
    All I have is regret in my heart...
    If I had just...said...we can do this...

    I miss those times when u said I love you...
    ...everything was perfect...
    I overreacted...what I did was unecesary..
    I the way I said it..
    We didn't need time...
    We needed to try harder...for us...
    I needed to try harder...for you...

    Then I started to read what you sent in your facebook messages...
    And you were rigth...in many of the things you said...
    That's when I realized I made a huge mistake...
    And let my thoughts get in the way of us...

    So..now it's 1:30am in the morning...as I write this..
    Instill can't sleep...cause I knou that what I did...
    Has no forgiveness...I wish there was some way...
    You could read this...
    But I lack the courage of sending it to you...
    Thinking of ...what would yo say?..
    How would you react?...
    You might think:'here he comes again
    Thinking that he is sorry'

    But the thing is that...I am...
    This time away from you has made me realize...
    How strong my feelings are for you...
    And how I still wait for that day....
    That I'll have you right back in my arms...
    An I can say to you once again...
    I love you...
    ...I'll never forgive myself...
    If I lose you...