• Today is another day. I will see you, and you will see me.
    Always flashing that smile of yours, while I try to think of words that can vividly
    Describe the strange feeling I get when you’re next to me.

    Some might say it’s walking on a quiet night, under a full moon,
    While others suggest it’s listening to a soothing tune.
    I’ve heard people say it’s being knocked off your feet,
    But this is something a little less painful and a bit more sweet.

    What do you think, do you know what I mean?
    Maybe you’d know if I just came clean.
    You look at me with that puzzled glare of yours,
    A look that I know the one you’re with adores.

    Are you with someone? I’ve never had the gall to ask.
    Maybe that’s another thing you’re hiding behind that mask.
    You’re never real with me, are you? Toying with my emotions,
    Always testing my love and devotion.

    Don’t you get tired of being this way?
    I’ve known you forever, and a day.
    It’s because you care about me, isn’t it?
    Why won’t we do each other a favor and admit
    That we’re hopelessly in love and always have been.

    I’m only lying to myself, I know.
    While I sit next to you, I remind myself to take it slow.
    Silence is golden, patience is a virtue,
    But I really hope one day I’ll hurt you.
    “Why?” you ask. How much more dense can you be?
    Because every time you look at me,
    I want to die
    So I can finally hear you confess the feelings I want you to have,
    Even if it’s only a dream or a lie.

    You always tell me I never know when to stop
    And I’ll get what I want no matter what.
    That’s what you like about me, though.
    You’ve told me so much I can’t help but know.

    I’m tired of sitting on this bench every day,
    So let’s go to the park, pretend we’re five again, and play.

    Today is another day, where we’ll be together.
    Just like we always have been, forever and ever.