• Alone

    I just want to be left alone.
    alone in my room.
    free to do whatever I want—
    by myself.
    no noise.
    no voices calling me downstairs.
    no obligations.
    no responsibilities.

    I want time to stop.
    I want to read, watch videos online, crochet
    Alone in my room.
    the place I never allow anyone in.
    My place.
    my fortress.
    my things, my belongings.
    surrounding me.
    messy, but neat.
    Mine only.

    I want to lay quietly in the dark.
    and sleep.
    I want to be forgotten
    and left alone in my own company.
    My time alone
    with myself.

    I lock the door
    knowing all too well
    that before long someone will knock
    and destroy my peace.
    my time away from everything.
    my escape.
    where my only worries are my laptop overheating
    and not having the color yarn I want.
    where I don’t have to see

    I want time away from time.
    I just want to be left