• A Flower Can Brake A Heart

    A seed trying to sprout
    Cracked a little more
    Chipped a little more
    The seed about to give up
    Than the seed met something
    It worked like magic
    The seed begins to heal
    The tears stayed around
    The seed starts to sprout
    The tears keep coming
    The seed blossoms into a beautiful flower
    The tears turn into a smile
    The flower has fully blossomed
    The man
    Behind the tears
    Behind the smile
    Plucked the flower up
    Held it gently in his hands
    And vow to never let go
    He whispered
    "A flower can mend a broken heart"
    What he left out
    A flower can brake a heart
    The petals blew away
    The smile vanished
    The tears came
    But this time
    It was just an empty field
    With a troublesome man