• I cannot forget
    The love we shared when we met
    Darkness filled my soul. My heart could not be healed
    Before I found you, my feelings where concealed
    At night I worry for you, my love
    It was like fate had gave us a shove

    This is love; I know it to be true
    For my heart will always belong to you
    I will follow you to hell and back, I care not
    My heart has finally been caught
    We know our love will see us through
    No matter where you are the sky will remain blue

    Death will try to separate us
    It is fate, so put on your black dress
    Heaven has begun to call
    As we wait, my heart begins to fall
    As the moon rises, you die in my hands
    As I weep, you head towards the promise lands

    I hope you wait for me up there
    For my heart will always care
    If god is fair, I would be with you this night
    What have I done to Deserve god's spite?
    Where my heart had been, there is now only a hole
    Slowly turning my soul to coal

    Hate and anger fills me
    My screams of pain will forever be
    He took you away
    God will pay
    I hope you can forgive me, I ask that as a favor
    You are the light to my darkness and my only savior.