• I am...
    I bring the world to it's knees
    either though respect or through force
    I can call machines to do my bidding
    whether to help the world to see or whether to destroy the whole
    I can show you the future of the world
    And I can show you the shame of the past
    I give life to anything I touch
    And I kill anything I see
    Who am I you ask to be such a a blessing on the world?
    I am the lover, the dreamer, the true way, the wisher, the wise, the thinker, the seer and the one who can change anything
    Who am I you ask to be such a curse on the world?
    I am the the hater, the false light, the realist, the fool, the overreacting, the blind and the one who can keep it all the same
    Who am I you ask?
    I am yin and yang, good and evil, friend and foe, dark and light, hope and failure, truth and lie, sun and moon, night and day, death and life, whole and empty, sinner and saint I am all this in one being
    I am lord of all
    I am jester to the king
    I am, I am, I am