• it was night
    nothing in my sight
    i wished there was knight
    to come save me from fright

    it was bright
    everything filled with light
    look at all of those kites!

    the world stands still
    and nothing moves, till'
    everythings consumed
    we probably think were doomed

    the time is set
    the worlds end is not a net
    so why am i writing this you ask?

    its a simple task,
    better get your flask,
    because i dont what that is

    is the neverending poem of randomness
    then there happiness
    then theres sadness
    your neverending kindness

    is what fills his awesomeness
    now that you wasted your life on reading this
    well ill tell ya sis
    its not pretty

    now im bored
    for some reason my pencil is as sharp as a sword
    i also have a gord
    later everyone! xd